Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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Text File
318 lines
Begin Form frmColumns
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Retrieve Field Descriptions"
ClientHeight = 3090
ClientLeft = 555
ClientTop = 1695
ClientWidth = 7365
Height = 3495
Icon = COLUMNS.FRX:0000
Left = 495
LinkTopic = "Form1"
ScaleHeight = 3090
ScaleWidth = 7365
Top = 1350
Width = 7485
Begin OptionButton optMethod
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Extract Columns"
Height = 315
Index = 1
Left = 2640
TabIndex = 3
Top = 420
Width = 1695
Begin OptionButton optMethod
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Get Templates"
Height = 315
Index = 0
Left = 2640
TabIndex = 2
Top = 120
Width = 1695
Begin CommandButton cmdExit
Caption = "E&xit"
Height = 555
Left = 5640
TabIndex = 5
Top = 120
Width = 1095
Begin CommandButton cmdGet
Caption = "Retrieve"
Height = 555
Left = 4440
TabIndex = 4
Top = 120
Width = 1095
Begin TextBox txtFile
Height = 315
Left = 1320
TabIndex = 1
Top = 360
Width = 1215
Begin TextBox txtLibrary
Height = 315
Left = 60
TabIndex = 0
Top = 360
Width = 1215
Begin Grid grdFields
Cols = 10
FixedCols = 0
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 2235
Left = 60
TabIndex = 6
Top = 780
Width = 7215
Begin Label zlbl
Alignment = 2 'Center
BackColor = &H00800000&
Caption = "File"
ForeColor = &H00FFFFFF&
Height = 255
Index = 1
Left = 1320
TabIndex = 8
Top = 120
Width = 1215
Begin Label zlbl
Alignment = 2 'Center
BackColor = &H00800000&
Caption = "Library"
ForeColor = &H00FFFFFF&
Height = 255
Index = 0
Left = 60
TabIndex = 7
Top = 120
Width = 1215
Option Explicit
' Variables:
Dim asFieldType(0 To 15) As String ' field type descriptions
Sub cmdExit_Click ()
' end program
Unload Me
End Sub
Sub cmdGet_Click ()
' Description:
' Reset grid, retrieve templates, and place field
' information into grid.
' Variables:
Dim bNum As Integer ' field type numeric flag
Dim iCnt As Integer ' loop counter
Dim nFields As Integer ' number of fields found
Dim sTmp As String ' work field
' AS/400 file column information
ReDim atCols(1 To 500) As TFColType
' hourglass
MousePointer = HOURGLASS
' reset grid
grdFields.Rows = 2
grdFields.FixedRows = 1
' if using get template method then
If optMethod(0) Then
' get field templates
nFields = zzTFGetTemplatesAll(Me.hWnd, zzCAGetDefaultSystem(Me.hWnd), txtLibrary, txtFile, atCols())
' if using extract columns method
' get column information
nFields = zzTFGetColumnsAll(Me.hWnd, zzCAGetDefaultSystem(Me.hWnd), txtLibrary, txtFile, atCols())
End If
' if no templates found
If nFields = 0 Then
' tell user of error
MsgBox "No field descriptions found for " & UCase$(txtLibrary) & "/" & UCase$(txtFile) & "."
' add templates to grid
For iCnt = 1 To nFields
' start with field name
sTmp = atCols(iCnt).sName & gsCHR_TAB
' add text description of type of field
sTmp = sTmp & asFieldType(atCols(iCnt).nType) & gsCHR_TAB
' add buffer length of field
sTmp = sTmp & Str$(atCols(iCnt).nLen) & gsCHR_TAB
' add number of digits
If atCols(iCnt).nDigits <> 0 Then
sTmp = sTmp & Str$(atCols(iCnt).nDigits) & gsCHR_TAB
' if binary, zoned, or packed then
bNum = (atCols(iCnt).nType = gnTF_BINARY_FIELD)
bNum = bNum Or (atCols(iCnt).nType = gnTF_ZONED_FIELD)
bNum = bNum Or (atCols(iCnt).nType = gnTF_PACKED_FIELD)
If bNum Then
' add in number of decimals
sTmp = sTmp & Str$(atCols(iCnt).nDecPos) & gsCHR_TAB
' else add nothing
sTmp = sTmp & gsCHR_TAB
End If
sTmp = sTmp & gsCHR_TAB & gsCHR_TAB
End If
' is field null capable
If atCols(iCnt).bNullCap Then
sTmp = sTmp & "Yes" & gsCHR_TAB
sTmp = sTmp & gsCHR_TAB
End If
' is field variable length
If atCols(iCnt).bVarLen Then
sTmp = sTmp & "Yes" & gsCHR_TAB
sTmp = sTmp & gsCHR_TAB
End If
' add description
sTmp = sTmp & atCols(iCnt).sText
' add to grid
grdFields.AddItem sTmp, grdFields.Rows - 1
Next iCnt
' remove last record which is empty
On Error Resume Next
grdFields.RemoveItem grdFields.Rows - 1
End If
' no more hourglass
MousePointer = DEFAULT
End Sub
Sub Form_Load ()
' set global character constants
Call zzSetGlobalVariables
' set application title
App.Title = Caption
' setup text descriptions for field types
asFieldType(0) = "Hexadecimal"
asFieldType(1) = "Binary"
asFieldType(2) = "Character"
asFieldType(3) = "Zoned"
asFieldType(4) = "Packed"
asFieldType(5) = "Reserved"
asFieldType(6) = "IGC Open"
asFieldType(7) = "IGC Only"
asFieldType(8) = "IGC Either"
asFieldType(9) = "Undefined"
asFieldType(10) = "Undefined"
asFieldType(11) = "Time"
asFieldType(12) = "Date"
asFieldType(13) = "Timestamp"
asFieldType(14) = "Undefined"
asFieldType(15) = "Graphic"
' setup option default to templates
optMethod(0).Value = True
' format grid
grdFields.Rows = 2
grdFields.FixedRows = 1
grdFields.Cols = 8
' build headings
grdFields.Row = 0
grdFields.Col = 0
grdFields.Text = "Name"
grdFields.ColWidth(0) = 1035
grdFields.Col = 1
grdFields.Text = "Type"
grdFields.ColWidth(1) = 1035
grdFields.Col = 2
grdFields.Text = "Size"
grdFields.ColWidth(2) = 390
grdFields.Col = 3
grdFields.Text = "Digits"
grdFields.ColWidth(3) = 450
grdFields.Col = 4
grdFields.Text = "Decimals"
grdFields.ColWidth(4) = 720
grdFields.Col = 5
grdFields.Text = "Null Capable?"
grdFields.ColWidth(5) = 1065
grdFields.Col = 6
grdFields.Text = "Variable Length?"
grdFields.ColWidth(6) = 1275
grdFields.Col = 7
grdFields.Text = "Description"
grdFields.ColWidth(7) = 5000
End Sub
Sub Form_Resize ()
' handle resize of grid width and height
On Error Resume Next
grdFields.Width = ScaleWidth - (grdFields.Left * 2)
grdFields.Height = ScaleHeight - grdFields.Top - 60
End Sub
Sub Form_Unload (Cancel As Integer)
' end program
End Sub